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23 May 2019

Facebook Conquest Secrets 2019

The secret of correct and successful advancement in social networks, including Facebook, is a quick response to all changes, updates and algorithms. We have learned from experts about the main secret ah of the successful conquest of one of the most popular social networks in 2019.

Researchers at BuzzSumo - one of the most popular services for analyzing social channels and managing content marketing - analyzed 777 million posts from different pages that were posted in Facebook in 2018. The results allowed them to make a number of recommendations for a successful posting on this social network.


The most effective post type is video. I give a message to them 59% more engagement than posts with other content. And the most optimal video duration is 3-5 minutes. It is they who have the most complete view. Regarding the video content that most attracts the attention of users, in the top five were clips of the following topics:

  • Food
  • Fashion and beauty
  • Animals (pets)
  • DIY video tutorials
  • Jokes and humorSo if you want your video content to be interesting to Facebook users, give them more of these clips. In second place in terms of user engagement - posts with photos . And close the top three posts with photos. The most effective mix of content: 70% posts with video, 20% posts with photos and 10% posts with links .Найбільш ефективний мікс контенту:
  • 70% пости з відео
  • 20% пости із фото
  • 10% пости з лінками

The best time for posting is from 21 to 23 h . It was then that users, completing their daily activities, begin to surf the Internet. Table 2. The best days for posting are weekends. Moreover, according to BuzzSumo researchers, Sunday posts have a high level of involvement.


If you want to increase the chances of reading your posts, make an introduction to them no longer than 50 characters . In the social network is an extremely large amount of information. To draw attention to their messages, one second is enough. If the beginning of the message I nteres but the chances that the user will read it to the end, increase significantly.


Increasing the reach of the audience helps users to share posts. Expert studies show that people share information on the five reasons am:

  • To please others with interesting and useful content.
  • To identify and present yourself to others.
  • To develop relationships
  • For self-realization
  • To disseminate information about the problems, product or brand

Make posts interesting and useful, given the above list, and you will have a welcome e census. In the end, go to your Facebook page and see your posts . How long have you and w eril something from the brands page and what kind of information? What prompted you to do this? When you understand what was guided by spreading information from a particular brand, it will become easier for you to give your potential customers information that they would like to share.

We have collected for you the recommendations of experts, which are based on the most recent analytical data. Let them become just the outline of the roadmap for promoting your brand on Facebook. A clear and bold lines to outline recommended only after a protest-il ete all the recommendations and see what works for your brand by 100%, and you need to adjust it for you.

Anton Voronyuk, Head of the Academy of Online Marketing WebPromo Experts

All Facebook marketing starts with analytics. The key task of this social network is to bring a person to your website, where he will make a purchase. To understand exactly from which post, publication or video a user came to Facebook, I recommend using services such as Bit.ly. They shorten links to the corresponding page of the site. That they need to be added to the posts . This resource has internal conversion statistics that can be monitored by creating an account on the site. Analyzing the transitions for each post, we can conclude whether the content of your audience “went” and whether it should be used in the future, scaled and so on.

Another important tool for understanding exactly which post was the transition to the site is URL Builder. These statistics can be seen in Google Analytics. These services help to turn Facebook from the “black box”, where you could see only the total number of transitions from the social network to the site, to the open source with detailed information.

It is also worth analyzing your competitors. The tool that will help you see where exactly their audience comes from is Similarweb. Here you add a competitor's site and analyze what percentage of traffic forany m comes directly from the social networks and, in particular, Facebook.